- 11/01/2024 - Reminder: CMS-1500 submission requirement for health care providers
- 10/29/2024 - Emergency Adoption and Proposal of Amendment to Section 329-1.3 of Title 12 of the NYCRR (Physical Therapy Assistants and Occupational Therapy Assistants)
- 08/01/2024 - Important CMS-1500 update for health care providers
- 07/24/2024 - Medical provider disputes resolved faster than ever
- 06/06/2024 - Efficiency Enhancements: Issue 3, Health Care Efficiencies
- 03/21/2024 - Today: Enhanced security for accessing OnBoard
- 02/29/2024 - Efficiency Enhancements: Best practices from the Board
- 01/29/2024 - Level three PAR review backlog reduced to zero!
- 10/25/2023 - OnBoard Updates for Providers Now Available!
- 10/25/2023 - DME Fee Schedule update
- 08/21/2023 - Now available: Medical Treatment Guidelines training for CME credit
- 08/16/2023 - OnBoard hits one million PAR submissions
- 07/14/2023 - Telehealth Guidance
- 04/21/2023 - OnBoard: A Recap and Preview of What's to Come