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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Subject Number 046-311 Voluntary Resignation of Doctors' Authorization to Treat Workers' Compensation Claimants

Subject Numbers Regarding Health Provider Authorizations

April 16, 2009

Alexander Israeli, M.D. (Authorization No. 225588-3W)

Please be advised, effective April 10, 2009, Dr. Israeli voluntarily resigned his authorization to treat workers' compensation claimants. His current address is 61-59 Dry Harbor Road, Apt. H48, Middle Village, New York 11379-1511.

Dr. Israeli is prohibited from rendering medical or other treatment and care to individuals who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. Medical reports submitted by Dr. Israeli for treatment rendered prior to April 10, 2009, are valid, but are invalid for any treatment rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Israeli regarding treatment he rendered prior to April 10, 2009, should not be denied due to his resignation of authorization.

Allen Lebowitz, D.O. (Authorization No. 086038-7W)

Effective February 27, 2009, Dr. Lebowitz' license to practice medicine was limited by the Department of Health's State Board for Professional Medical Conduct (BPMC) to preclude all patient contact, and any practice of medicine, clinical or otherwise. Effective April 10, 2009, Dr. Lebowitz voluntarily resigned his authorization to treat workers' compensation claimants. His current address is 13096 West Main Street, Alden, New York 14004.

Dr. Lebowitz is prohibited from rendering medical or other treatment and care to individuals who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. Medical reports submitted by Dr. Lebowitz for treatment rendered prior to February 27, 2009, are valid, but are invalid for any treatment rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Lebowitz regarding treatment he rendered prior to February 27, 2009, should not be denied due to the limitation on his medical license or his resignation of authorization.

Richard M. Kronhaus, M.D. (Authorization No. 136211-0W)

Please be advised, effective March 16, 2009, Dr. Kronhaus voluntarily resigned his authorization to treat workers' compensation claimants. His current address is 739 Irving Avenue, Suite 600, Syracuse, New York 13210.

Dr. Kronhaus is prohibited from rendering medical or other treatment and care to individuals who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. Medical reports submitted by Dr. Kronhaus for treatment rendered prior to March 16, 2009, are valid, but are invalid for any treatment rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Kronhaus regarding treatment he rendered prior to March 16, 2009, should not be denied due to the resignation of his authorization.

Harvey A. Sauer, M.D. (Authorization No. 199703-0W)

Please be advised, effective March 16, 2009, Dr. Sauer voluntarily resigned his authorization to treat workers' compensation claimants. His current address is 739 Irving Avenue, Suite 600, Syracuse, New York 13210.

Dr. Sauer is prohibited from rendering medical or other treatment and care to individuals who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. Medical reports submitted by Dr. Sauer for treatment rendered prior to March 16, 2009, are valid, but are invalid for any treatment rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Sauer regarding treatment he rendered prior to March 16, 2009, should not be denied due to the resignation of his authorization.

Any questions regarding these matters should be referred to the Office of General Counsel at (518) 486-9564.

Zachary S. Weiss