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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Subject Number 046-1267 Voluntary Resignation of Dr. Richard Alan Weiss

Subject Numbers Regarding Health Provider Authorizations

Authorization No. 180728-8B

February 26, 2020

Please be advised that Dr. Richard Alan Weiss has resigned his authorizations to treat injured workers and to perform independent medical examinations in the New York State workers’ compensation system effective February 25, 2020. Dr. Weiss’ last known practice address is:

556 North Country Road, Suite 6
Saint James, New York 11780.

Dr. Weiss is prohibited from rendering treatment and care to injured workers, from performing independent medical examinations, and from conducting reviews of records regarding variance requests pursuant to 12 NYCRR § 324.3(b)(2)(ii)(a). Reports submitted by Dr. Weiss for services rendered prior to February 25, 2020, are valid but are invalid for any services rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Weiss for services rendered prior to February 25, 2020, should not be denied due to the resignation of his authorizations.

Any questions regarding the authorized lists should be referred to the Medical Director’s Office at 1 (800) 781-2362.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez