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Workers’ Compensation Board

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Subject Number 046-1202 Removal of Dr. Michel Yvon Dubois

Subject Numbers Regarding Health Provider Authorizations

Authorization No. 201742-4W

August 20, 2019

Pursuant to Workers' Compensation Law Section 13-d(2)(a), the Chair of the New York State Workers' Compensation Board has exercised her authority to remove Dr. Michel Yvon Dubois’ authorization to treat injured workers in the New York State workers’ compensation system effective August 10, 2019. Dr. Dubois' last known business address is:

15 West 72th Street
New York, New York 10023

The removal is based upon Consent Agreement and Order BPMC 19-193, effective August 8, 2019, wherein Dr. Dubois agreed not to contest the allegations, in full satisfaction of the charges against him, including that during the periods in or about 2011-2017, he failed to render and/or note appropriate care and treatment to multiple patients to whom he prescribed medications, including controlled substances for pain management. This resulted in a limitation on Dr. Dubois’ license to practice medicine to preclude patient contact, any practice of medicine, clinical or otherwise, as well as preclusion from diagnosing, treating, operating or prescribing for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition, and that he shall be precluded from further reliance on his license to practice medicine.

Therefore, the Chair believes that Dr. Dubois may be guilty of misconduct, and that such misconduct would detrimentally affect the quality of care provided to injured workers.

Dr. Dubois is prohibited from rendering treatment and care to injured workers, and from conducting reviews of records regarding variance requests pursuant to 12 NYCRR § 324.3(b)(2)(ii)(a). Reports submitted by Dr. Dubois for services rendered prior to August 10, 2019, are valid, but are invalid for any services rendered on or after that date. Requests to cross-examine Dr. Dubois for services rendered prior to August 10, 2019, should not be denied due to the removal of his authorization.

Any questions regarding the authorized lists should be referred to the Medical Director’s Office at 1 (800) 781-2362.

Clarissa M. Rodriguez